Why Animated Ads Work

  I remember (barely) the 70’s when I was a kid. When Saturday morning rolled around my sisters and I would be GLUED to the television set because SATURDAY MORNING CARTOONS WERE ON!! Back then, it was the wise cracking rabbit, the accident prone coyote, the loud-mouth rooster (and, of course, the politically incorrect violence) that drew us to the living room and kept us there. In those days, when cartoons were on, you could have BURNED OUR HOUSE TO THE GROUND and we wouldn’t not notice until the T.V.  MELTED!! 

  I really can’t explain the power animation has over us, but it is easy to see how it could be an effective tool in advertising. I recently decided to try my hand at advertising and I thought ” Wouldn’t it be cool to ANIMATE my ads?” and then I thought “There’s no way I could afford that right now.” Then, I found  VideoMaker FX. VideoMaker FX animation software that takes your site to a whole new level! Imagine your site with state of the art graphics, text, artwork, and much, much more!  Not only will this software make you look like you know what you’re doing, looking all professional and what-not, IT’S ALSO VERY AFFORDABLE!!  CLICK HERE to check it out and get 82% OFF!!

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